Geeta Ramesh Parmar, Gujarat
I am Geeta Ramesh Parmar from Popdipura Village, Vadodara. My family grappled with financial problems. Having mortgaged the only piece of land we owned, my husband worked as abonded agriculture labourer and I worked as a caretaker in an Anganwadi to get our land back. It took us 15 long years to achieve this.Even after this, we were not able to make proper use of our land due to the lack of knowledge in agriculture, ATF provided us training and support in organic farming. Our annual family income rose gradually and has increased now to close to Rs. 3 Lakh/PA from Rs 25,000/PA. I also support ATF as a Community Resource Person for which I earn additional salary of Rs.8,500/PM. My perseverance has helped me sail through trying times and convinced me that "tough times do not last, it is the tough people that do."
I am Geeta Ramesh Parmar. It's my identity...#EkNaam...
This is my story!